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Notes + Questions: Jesus’ Authority: Over Disciples

Mar 19, 2023    Pastor Emerson Fulton


Sermon on the mount

• Matthew 7:28-29 – teaching with authority

• Matthew 8 – authority demonstrated

 - Authority over: Sickness, disciples, nature, spiritual realm


Authority Over Disciples

Interaction 1

• The scribe – Jewish legal expert

• Teacher - Used elsewhere in Matthew 12:38, 19:16, 22:16 

• Main point – Following me will not be easy. Comfort is not the priority.

• Son of Man – Daniel 7:13-14 - Used in Matthew: Matthew 26:62-65

• The Gospel

Interaction 2

• The disciple – used 75 times in Matthew

• Main point – The priority is Jesus

• Confusing verse - Leave the dead to bury their own dead

 - Understand the context

 - We need to be born again - Ephesians 2:1, Colossians 2:13, John 3:3

Conclusions from interactions

• Jesus authority over disciples

• Following Jesus will not be easy

• The priority is Jesus

• Unique evangelism

 - DA Carson - “Little has done more to harm the witness of the Christian church than the practice of filling its ranks with every volunteer who is willing to make a little profession, talk fluently of experience, but display little of perseverance.”

• Follow me - Matthew 11:28-30


Follow Me

What does “follow me” mean?

• Learns from a teacher

• Obeys the teacher

• Gives everything to the teacher

IV Marks

• Believe in the power of the gospel

• Become more like Christ everyday

• Belong to the community and body of believers

• Build the kingdom of God through relationships



What would Jesus ask us?

• Money

• Sharing the gospel

• Forgiveness

• Holiness

• Church

Remember the Gospel



Know the authority of Jesus

• Be in the Word - Bible Doctrine, Women’s’ Study, Bible reading plan

Honest assessment

• Ask hard questions in prayer

• Community group discussion

Fully devoted

• Know what it means

• IV Marks booklet


Community Group Questions

• Define what it means to follow Jesus in your own words.

• Discuss how following Jesus has been challenging in your life as a group. How has the Lord been with you in those trials?

• What future difficulties do you feel Jesus might be preparing you for as you follow him?

• List the priorities in your life. Does anything need to change based on this passage?

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